Class Variant

Public Types

enum Type
 Describes types that can be stored inside Variant container.

Public Member Functions

Variant ()
 Default constructor.
Variant (const Variant &v)
 Copy constructor for Variant object.
Variant (Variant &&v)
 Move constructor for Variant object.
~Variant ()
 Destructor for Variant object.
explicitVariant (const int8_t v)
 Constructs a new variant with an int8_t value.
explicitVariant (const int16_t v)
 Constructs a new variant with an int16_t value.
explicitVariant (const int32_t v)
 Constructs a new variant with an int32_t value.
explicitVariant (const int64_t v)
 Constructs a new variant with an int64_t value.
explicitVariant (const uint8_t v)
 Constructs a new variant with an uint8_t value.
explicitVariant (const uint16_t v)
 Constructs a new variant with an uint16_t value.
explicitVariant (const uint32_t v)
 Constructs a new variant with an uint32_t value.
explicitVariant (const uint64_t v)
 Constructs a new variant with an uint64_t value.
explicitVariant (const double v)
 Constructs a new variant with an double value.
explicitVariant (const bool v)
 Constructs a new variant with an bool value.
explicitVariant (const std::string &v)
 Constructs a new variant with an std::string& value.
explicitVariant (const char *v)
 Constructs a new variant object of type Type::STRING with an const char* value.
explicitVariant (const ByteArray_t &v)
 Constructs a new variant with an ByteArray_t& value.
explicitVariant (const char *binaryData, const size_t bytesCount)
 Constructs a new variant of type Type::BYTEARRAY. Copies bytesCount bytes from binaryData buffer.
explicitVariant (const VariantVector_t &v)
 Constructs a new variant with an VariantVector_t& value.
explicitVariant (const VariantList_t &v)
 Constructs a new variant with an VariantList_t& value.
explicitVariant (const VariantMap_t &v)
 Constructs a new variant with an VariantMap_t& value.
explicitVariant (const VariantPair_t &v)
 Constructs a new variant with an VariantPair_t& value.
explicitVariant (const std::vector<T> &v)
 Constructs a new variant with an std::vector& value.
explicitVariant (const std::list<T> &v)
 Constructs a new variant with an std::list& value.
explicitVariant (const std::map<K, V> &v)
explicitVariant (const TFirst &first, const TSecond &second)
 Constructs a new variant object of type Type::PAIR.
explicitVariant (const T &v)
 Constructs a new variant object of type Type::CUSTOM using custom types.
Variant &operator= (const Variant &v)
 Assigns the value of the v to this variant.
Variant &operator= (Variant &&v)
 Move-assigns the value of the v to this variant.
Variant &operator= (const int8_t v)
 Assigns int8_t value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::BYTE_1 .
Variant &operator= (const int16_t v)
 Assigns int16_t value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::BYTE_2 .
Variant &operator= (const int32_t v)
 Assigns int32_t value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::BYTE_4 .
Variant &operator= (const int64_t v)
 Assigns int64_t value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::BYTE_8 .
Variant &operator= (const uint8_t v)
 Assigns uint8_t value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::UBYTE_1 .
Variant &operator= (const uint16_t v)
 Assigns uint16_t value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::UBYTE_2 .
Variant &operator= (const uint32_t v)
 Assigns uint32_t value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::UBYTE_4 .
Variant &operator= (const uint64_t v)
 Assigns uint64_t value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::UBYTE_8 .
Variant &operator= (const double v)
 Assigns double value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::DOUBLE .
Variant &operator= (const bool v)
 Assigns bool value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::BOOL .
Variant &operator= (const std::string &v)
 Assigns std::string& value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::STRING .
Variant &operator= (const char *v)
 Assigns char* value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::STRING .
Variant &operator= (const ByteArray_t &v)
 Assigns ByteArray_t& value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::BYTEARRAY .
Variant &operator= (const VariantVector_t &v)
 Assigns VariantVector_t& value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::VECTOR .
Variant &operator= (const VariantList_t &v)
 Assigns VariantList_t& value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::LIST .
Variant &operator= (const VariantMap_t &v)
 Assigns VariantMap_t& value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::MAP .
Variant &operator= (const VariantPair_t &v)
 Assigns VariantPair_t& value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::PAIR .
Variant &operator= (const T &v)
 Assigns T& value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::CUSTOM .
voidclear ()
 Resets value of the Varaint object and frees all allocated memory. After calling this method internal type will become Type::UNKNOWN.
inline TypegetType ()
 Gets the type of data stored in the Variant object.
operator bool ()
 Checks if variant contains value or not.
boolisEmpty ()
 Check if the Variant object doesn’t contain any value.
boolisNumeric ()
 Check if the Variant object contains a numeric value.
boolisSignedNumeric ()
 Check if the Variant object contains a signed numeric value.
boolisUnsignedNumeric ()
 Check if the Variant object contains an unsigned numeric value.
boolisBool ()
 Check if the Variant object contains a boolean value.
boolisString ()
 Check if the Variant object contains a string.
boolisByteArray ()
 Check if the Variant object contains a byte array.
boolisVector ()
 Check if the Variant object contains a vector.
boolisList ()
 Check if the Variant object contains a list.
boolisMap ()
 Check if the Variant object contains a map.
boolisPair ()
 Check if the Variant object contains a pair.
boolisCustomType ()
 Check if the Variant object contains a custom type.
int64_ttoInt64 ()
 Returns the variant value represented as int64.
uint64_ttoUInt64 ()
 Returns the variant value represented as uint64.
doubletoDouble ()
 Returns the variant value represented as double.
booltoBool ()
 Returns the variant value represented as bool.
std::stringtoString ()
 Returns the variant value represented as string.
ByteArray_ttoByteArray ()
 Returns the variant value represented as byte array.
std::shared_ptr<ByteArray_t>getByteArray ()
 Returns pointer to internal byte array data.
std::shared_ptr<VariantVector_t>getVector ()
 Returns pointer to internal vector data.
std::vector<T>toVector (const std::function<T(const Variant&)> &converter)
 Copies internal data to a requested std::vector type. Usage example:
std::shared_ptr<VariantList_t>getList ()
 Returns pointer to internal list data.
std::list<T>toList (const std::function<T(const Variant&)> &converter)
 Copies internal data to a requested std::list type. Usage example:
std::shared_ptr<VariantMap_t>getMap ()
 Returns pointer to internal map data.
std::map<K, V>toMap (const std::function<K(const Variant&)> &converterKey, const std::function<V(const Variant&)> &converterValue)
 Copies internal data to a requested std::map type. Usage example:
std::shared_ptr<VariantPair_t>getPair ()
 Returns pointer to internal pair data.
std::pair<TFirst, TSecond>toPair (const std::function<TFirst(const Variant&)> &converterFirst, const std::function<TSecond(const Variant&)> &converterSecond)
 Copies internal data to a requested std::pair type.
std::shared_ptr<T>getCustomType ()
 Returns pointer to custom type data.
booloperator== (const Variant &val)
 Compares this Variant object to another Variant object for equality.
booloperator!= (const Variant &val)
 Compares this Variant object to another Variant object for inequality.
booloperator> (const Variant &val)
 Checks if this Variant object is greater than another Variant object.
booloperator>= (const Variant &val)
 Checks if this Variant object is greater than or equal to another Variant object.
booloperator< (const Variant &val)
 Checks if this Variant object is less than another Variant object.
booloperator<= (const Variant &val)
 Checks if this Variant object is less than or equal to another Variant object.
static Variantmake (const int8_t v)
 Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::BYTE_1 .
static Variantmake (const int16_t v)
 Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::BYTE_2 .
static Variantmake (const int32_t v)
 Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::BYTE_4 .
static Variantmake (const int64_t v)
 Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::BYTE_8 .
static Variantmake (const uint8_t v)
 Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::UBYTE_1 .
static Variantmake (const uint16_t v)
 Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::UBYTE_2 .
static Variantmake (const uint32_t v)
 Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::UBYTE_4 .
static Variantmake (const uint64_t v)
 Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::UBYTE_8 .
static Variantmake (const double v)
 Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::DOUBLE .
static Variantmake (const bool v)
 Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::BOOL .
static Variantmake (const std::string &v)
 Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::STRING .
static Variantmake (const char *v)
 Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::STRING .
static Variantmake (const ByteArray_t &v)
 Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::VECTOR .
static Variantmake (const char *binaryData, const size_t bytesCount)
 Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::VECTOR.
static Variantmake (const VariantVector_t &v)
 Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::VECTOR .
static Variantmake (const std::vector<T> &v)
 Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::VECTOR .
static Variantmake (const VariantList_t &v)
 Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::LIST .
static Variantmake (const std::list<T> &v)
 Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::LIST .
static Variantmake (const VariantMap_t &v)
 Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::MAP .
static Variantmake (const std::map<K, V> &v)
 Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::MAP .
static Variantmake (const VariantPair_t &v)
 Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::PAIR .
static Variantmake (const TFirst &first, const TSecond &second)
 Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::PAIR.
static Variantmake (const T &v)
 Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::CUSTOM .
static VariantmakeCustom (const T &v)
 Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::CUSTOM .
static Variantmake (const Variant &v)
 Create a new Variant object from an existing Variant object.

Class Documentation

class Variant

Variant class represents a type-safe union.

Variant class is supposed to be a substitute for std::variant which is not available prior to C++17.

The Variant class is a generic container that can hold various types of data (similar to union). It is designed to be flexible and efficient by allowing the user to store data of different types and sizes, and retrieve them in a type-safe manner. The class definition provides an Variant::Type enumeration of different data types that the Variant object can hold, including numeric types, boolean values, strings, and more complex types like vectors, lists, maps and pairs.

A Variant object holds a single value of a single type at a time or none if it’s empty. Value can be retrieved as a copy using toX() methods (for example toString(), toInt64(), etc.). When asked for a type that can be generated from the stored type, toX() copies and converts and leaves the object itself unchanged. When asked for a type that cannot be generated from the stored type, the result depends on the type (see each the function’s documentation for details).

Here is some example code to demonstrate the use of Variant:

Variant v; // v is empty and has Type::UNKNOWN

if (!v) {
     v = 42; // v now contains numeric value (usually Type::BYTE_4, but depends on compiler)
     std::cout << "v is an int: " << v.isNumeric() << std::endl; // output: v is an int: 1
     std::cout << "v == 42: " << (v == Variant(42)) << std::endl; // output: v == 42: 1
     std::cout << "v == \"42\": " << (v.toString() == "42") << std::endl; // output: v == "42": 1

     v = "Hello, world!"; // v now contains a Type::STRING value
     std::cout << "v is a string: " << v.isString() << std::endl; // output: v is a string: 1
     std::cout << "v == \"Hello, world!\": " << (v == "Hello, world!") << std::endl; // output: v == "Hello, world!": 1
     std::cout << "v.toInt64(): " << v.toInt64() << std::endl; // output: v.toInt64(): 0

     v = 3.14; // v now contains a Type::DOUBLE value
     std::cout << "v is a double: " << v.isDouble() << std::endl; // output: v is a double: 1
     std::cout << "v > 2.0: " << (v > 2.0) << std::endl; // output: v > 2.0: 1

Public Types

enum class Type

Describes types that can be stored inside Variant container.


enumerator UNKNOWN

empty object

enumerator BYTE_1

A 1-byte signed integer.

enumerator BYTE_2

A 2-byte signed integer.

enumerator BYTE_4

A 4-byte signed integer.

enumerator BYTE_8

An 8-byte signed integer.

enumerator UBYTE_1

A 1-byte unsigned integer.

enumerator UBYTE_2

A 2-byte unsigned integer.

enumerator UBYTE_4

A 4-byte unsigned integer.

enumerator UBYTE_8

An 8-byte unsigned integer.

enumerator DOUBLE

A double-precision floating-point number.

enumerator BOOL

A boolean value.

enumerator STRING


enumerator BYTEARRAY


enumerator LIST


enumerator VECTOR


enumerator MAP


enumerator PAIR


enumerator CUSTOM

any type

Public Functions

Variant() = default

Default constructor.

Constructs a new empty Variant object with Type::UNKNOWN and null data.

Variant(const Variant &v)

Copy constructor for Variant object.


v – Another Variant object to copy from.

Variant(Variant &&v) noexcept

Move constructor for Variant object.


v – Another Variant object to move from.


Destructor for Variant object.

explicit Variant(const int8_t v)

Constructs a new variant with an int8_t value.

explicit Variant(const int16_t v)

Constructs a new variant with an int16_t value.

explicit Variant(const int32_t v)

Constructs a new variant with an int32_t value.

explicit Variant(const int64_t v)

Constructs a new variant with an int64_t value.

explicit Variant(const uint8_t v)

Constructs a new variant with an uint8_t value.

explicit Variant(const uint16_t v)

Constructs a new variant with an uint16_t value.

explicit Variant(const uint32_t v)

Constructs a new variant with an uint32_t value.

explicit Variant(const uint64_t v)

Constructs a new variant with an uint64_t value.

explicit Variant(const double v)

Constructs a new variant with an double value.

explicit Variant(const bool v)

Constructs a new variant with an bool value.

explicit Variant(const std::string &v)

Constructs a new variant with an std::string& value.

explicit Variant(const char *v)

Constructs a new variant object of type Type::STRING with an const char* value.

explicit Variant(const ByteArray_t &v)

Constructs a new variant with an ByteArray_t& value.

explicit Variant(const char *binaryData, const size_t bytesCount)

Constructs a new variant of type Type::BYTEARRAY. Copies bytesCount bytes from binaryData buffer.

explicit Variant(const VariantVector_t &v)

Constructs a new variant with an VariantVector_t& value.

explicit Variant(const VariantList_t &v)

Constructs a new variant with an VariantList_t& value.

explicit Variant(const VariantMap_t &v)

Constructs a new variant with an VariantMap_t& value.

explicit Variant(const VariantPair_t &v)

Constructs a new variant with an VariantPair_t& value.

template<typename T>
explicit Variant(const std::vector<T> &v)

Constructs a new variant with an std::vector<T>& value.

template<typename T>
explicit Variant(const std::list<T> &v)

Constructs a new variant with an std::list<T>& value.

template<typename K, typename V>
explicit Variant(const std::map<K, V> &v)

template<typename TFirst, typename TSecond>
explicit Variant(const TFirst &first, const TSecond &second)

Constructs a new variant object of type Type::PAIR.

  • first – stored as first value of a pair

  • second – stored as second value of a pair

template<typename T>
explicit Variant(const T &v)

Constructs a new variant object of type Type::CUSTOM using custom types.

Variant &operator=(const Variant &v)

Assigns the value of the v to this variant.

Variant &operator=(Variant &&v) noexcept

Move-assigns the value of the v to this variant.

Variant &operator=(const int8_t v)

Assigns int8_t value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::BYTE_1 .

Variant &operator=(const int16_t v)

Assigns int16_t value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::BYTE_2 .

Variant &operator=(const int32_t v)

Assigns int32_t value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::BYTE_4 .

Variant &operator=(const int64_t v)

Assigns int64_t value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::BYTE_8 .

Variant &operator=(const uint8_t v)

Assigns uint8_t value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::UBYTE_1 .

Variant &operator=(const uint16_t v)

Assigns uint16_t value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::UBYTE_2 .

Variant &operator=(const uint32_t v)

Assigns uint32_t value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::UBYTE_4 .

Variant &operator=(const uint64_t v)

Assigns uint64_t value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::UBYTE_8 .

Variant &operator=(const double v)

Assigns double value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::DOUBLE .

Variant &operator=(const bool v)

Assigns bool value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::BOOL .

Variant &operator=(const std::string &v)

Assigns std::string& value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::STRING .

Variant &operator=(const char *v)

Assigns char* value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::STRING .

Variant &operator=(const ByteArray_t &v)

Assigns ByteArray_t& value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::BYTEARRAY .

Variant &operator=(const VariantVector_t &v)

Assigns VariantVector_t& value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::VECTOR .

Variant &operator=(const VariantList_t &v)

Assigns VariantList_t& value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::LIST .

Variant &operator=(const VariantMap_t &v)

Assigns VariantMap_t& value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::MAP .

Variant &operator=(const VariantPair_t &v)

Assigns VariantPair_t& value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::PAIR .

template<typename T>
Variant &operator=(const T &v)

Assigns T& value to current variant object and changing it’s type to Type::CUSTOM .

void clear()

Resets value of the Varaint object and frees all allocated memory. After calling this method internal type will become Type::UNKNOWN.

inline Type getType() const

Gets the type of data stored in the Variant object.


type of the stored data

operator bool() const

Checks if variant contains value or not.

Return values
  • true – variant was initialzied with a value and it’s type is not Type::UNKNOWN

  • false – no value was set for the variant and it’s type is Type::UNKNOWN

bool isEmpty() const

Check if the Variant object doesn’t contain any value.


true if the Variant object doesn’t contain any value, false otherwise

bool isNumeric() const

Check if the Variant object contains a numeric value.


true if the Variant object contains a numeric value, false otherwise

bool isSignedNumeric() const

Check if the Variant object contains a signed numeric value.


true if the Variant object contains a signed numeric value, false otherwise

bool isUnsignedNumeric() const

Check if the Variant object contains an unsigned numeric value.


true if the Variant object contains an unsigned numeric value, false otherwise

bool isBool() const

Check if the Variant object contains a boolean value.


true if the Variant object contains a boolean value, false otherwise

bool isString() const

Check if the Variant object contains a string.


true if the Variant object contains a string, false otherwise

bool isByteArray() const

Check if the Variant object contains a byte array.


true if the Variant object contains a byte array, false otherwise

bool isVector() const

Check if the Variant object contains a vector.


true if the Variant object contains a vector, false otherwise

bool isList() const

Check if the Variant object contains a list.


true if the Variant object contains a list, false otherwise

bool isMap() const

Check if the Variant object contains a map.


true if the Variant object contains a map, false otherwise

bool isPair() const

Check if the Variant object contains a pair.


true if the Variant object contains a pair, false otherwise

bool isCustomType() const

Check if the Variant object contains a custom type.


true if the Variant object contains a custom type, false otherwise

int64_t toInt64() const

Returns the variant value represented as int64.

Supported data types are:


numeric representation of the Variant object (calling this method on an unsupported variant type returns 0).

uint64_t toUInt64() const

Returns the variant value represented as uint64.

Supported data types are:


numeric representation of the Variant object (calling this method on an unsupported variant type returns 0).

double toDouble() const

Returns the variant value represented as double.

Supported data types are:


numeric representation of the Variant object (calling this method on an unsupported variant type returns 0).

bool toBool() const

Returns the variant value represented as bool.

Supported data types are:


boolean representation of the Variant object (calling this method on an unsupported variant type returns false).

std::string toString() const

Returns the variant value represented as string.

If stored value is not a string, method will try to convert it. Supported data types are:


string representation of the Variant object (calling this method on an unsupported variant type returns an empty string).

ByteArray_t toByteArray() const

Returns the variant value represented as byte array.

If stored value is not a byte array, method will try to convert it. Supported data types are:


This function always returns a copy of data. If you know that internal type is Type::BYTEARRAY and just want to access data it’s better to use toByteArrayPtr() method.


byte array representation of the Variant object (calling this method on an unsupported variant type returns an empty vector).

std::shared_ptr<ByteArray_t> getByteArray() const

Returns pointer to internal byte array data.


pointer to internal data or nullptr if data type is not Type::BYTEARRAY

std::shared_ptr<VariantVector_t> getVector() const

Returns pointer to internal vector data.


pointer to internal data or nullptr if data type is not Type::VECTOR

template<typename T>
std::vector<T> toVector(const std::function<T(const Variant&)> &converter) const

Copies internal data to a requested std::vector type. Usage example:

std::vector<int> intData = {1, 2, 3};
Variant v(intData);

std::vector<int> intDataConverted = v.toVector<int>([](const Variant& v){ return v.toInt64(); }));
// intDataConverted = {1, 2, 3}

std::vector<std::string> strDataConverted = v.toVector<std::string>([](const Variant& v){ return v.toString(); }));
// strDataConverted = {"1", "2", "3"}

converter – functor which will be called for each vector item to convert it from Variant to requested type


std::vector filled with data (empty container if data type is not Type::VECTOR)

std::shared_ptr<VariantList_t> getList() const

Returns pointer to internal list data.


pointer to internal data or nullptr if data type is not Type::LIST

template<typename T>
std::list<T> toList(const std::function<T(const Variant&)> &converter) const

Copies internal data to a requested std::list type. Usage example:

std::list<int> intData = {1, 2, 3};
Variant v(intData);

std::list<int> intDataConverted = v.toList<int>([](const Variant& v){ return v.toInt64(); }));
// intDataConverted = {1, 2, 3}

std::list<std::string> strDataConverted = v.toList<std::string>([](const Variant& v){ return v.toString(); }));
// strDataConverted = {"1", "2", "3"}

converter – functor which will be called for each list item to convert it from Variant to requested type


std::list filled with data (empty container if data type is not Type::LIST)

std::shared_ptr<VariantMap_t> getMap() const

Returns pointer to internal map data.


pointer to internal data or nullptr if data type is not Type::MAP

template<typename K, typename V>
std::map<K, V> toMap(const std::function<K(const Variant&)> &converterKey, const std::function<V(const Variant&)> &converterValue) const

Copies internal data to a requested std::map type. Usage example:

std::map<int, std::string> intStrData = {{1, "aa"}, {2, "bb"}, {3, "cc"}};
Variant v = Variant::make(intStrData);

std::map<int, std::string> intStrDataConverted = v.toMap<int, std::string>([](const Variant& key){ return key.toInt64(); },
                                                                           [](const Variant& value){ return value.toString(); }));
  • converterKey – functor which will be called for each map key to convert it from Variant to requested type

  • converterValue – functor which will be called for each map value to convert it from Variant to requested type


std::map filled with data (empty container if data type is not Type::MAP)

std::shared_ptr<VariantPair_t> getPair() const

Returns pointer to internal pair data.


pointer to internal data or nullptr if data type is not Type::PAIR

template<typename TFirst, typename TSecond>
std::pair<TFirst, TSecond> toPair(const std::function<TFirst(const Variant&)> &converterFirst, const std::function<TSecond(const Variant&)> &converterSecond) const

Copies internal data to a requested std::pair type.

Usage example:

std::pair<int, std::string> intStrData = {1, "aa"};
Variant v = Variant::make(intStrData);

std::pair<int, std::string> intStrDataConverted = v.toPair<int, std::string>([](const Variant& first){ return first.toInt64(); },
                                                                             [](const Variant& second){ return second.toString(); }));
  • converterFirst – functor which will be called for first pair element to convert it from Variant to requested type

  • converterSecond – functor which will be called for second pair element to convert it from Variant to requested type


std::pair filled with data (empty container if data type is not Type::PAIR)

template<typename T>
std::shared_ptr<T> getCustomType() const

Returns pointer to custom type data.


This function is not type-safe and simply does static_cast to requested type. User is responsible for specifying same type that was used for initialization of a variant object.


pointer to internal data or nullptr if data type is not Type::CUSTOM

bool operator==(const Variant &val) const

Compares this Variant object to another Variant object for equality.

Variant uses the == operator of the stored type to check for equality. Variants of different types will always compare as not equal.


val – The Variant object to compare to.


true if this object is equal to val, false otherwise.

bool operator!=(const Variant &val) const

Compares this Variant object to another Variant object for inequality.

Impelemented using operator==().


val – The Variant object to compare to.


true if this object is not equal to val, false otherwise.

bool operator>(const Variant &val) const

Checks if this Variant object is greater than another Variant object.

Operator only compares variants of the same type. Comparing logic depends on the underlying type:

  • numeric, bool or string values are compared using standard operator >

  • vector or list values are compared by size (A.size() > B.size())

  • other types are not supported and false is always returned


val – The Variant object to compare to.


true if this object is greater than val, false otherwise.

bool operator>=(const Variant &val) const

Checks if this Variant object is greater than or equal to another Variant object.

Impelemented using operator==() and operator>().


val – The Variant object to compare to.


true if this object is greater than or equal to val, false otherwise.

bool operator<(const Variant &val) const

Checks if this Variant object is less than another Variant object.

Impelemented using operator!=() and operator>().


val – The Variant object to compare to.


true if this object is less than val, false otherwise.

bool operator<=(const Variant &val) const

Checks if this Variant object is less than or equal to another Variant object.

Impelemented using operator==() and operator>().


val – The Variant object to compare to.


true if this object is less than or equal to val, false otherwise.

Public Static Functions

static Variant make(const int8_t v)

Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::BYTE_1 .


v – The value to assign to the Variant object.


Newly constructed Variant object.

static Variant make(const int16_t v)

Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::BYTE_2 .


v – The value to assign to the Variant object.


Newly constructed Variant object.

static Variant make(const int32_t v)

Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::BYTE_4 .


v – The value to assign to the Variant object.


Newly constructed Variant object.

static Variant make(const int64_t v)

Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::BYTE_8 .


v – The value to assign to the Variant object.


Newly constructed Variant object.

static Variant make(const uint8_t v)

Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::UBYTE_1 .


v – The value to assign to the Variant object.


Newly constructed Variant object.

static Variant make(const uint16_t v)

Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::UBYTE_2 .


v – The value to assign to the Variant object.


Newly constructed Variant object.

static Variant make(const uint32_t v)

Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::UBYTE_4 .


v – The value to assign to the Variant object.


Newly constructed Variant object.

static Variant make(const uint64_t v)

Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::UBYTE_8 .


v – The value to assign to the Variant object.


Newly constructed Variant object.

static Variant make(const double v)

Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::DOUBLE .


v – The value to assign to the Variant object.


Newly constructed Variant object.

static Variant make(const bool v)

Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::BOOL .


v – The value to assign to the Variant object.


Newly constructed Variant object.

static Variant make(const std::string &v)

Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::STRING .


v – The value to assign to the Variant object.


Newly constructed Variant object.

static Variant make(const char *v)

Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::STRING .


v – The value to assign to the Variant object.


Newly constructed Variant object.

static Variant make(const ByteArray_t &v)

Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::VECTOR .


v – The value to assign to the Variant object.


Newly constructed Variant object.

static Variant make(const char *binaryData, const size_t bytesCount)

Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::VECTOR.

  • binaryData – The binary data to store.

  • bytesCount – The size of the binaryData in bytes.


Newly constructed Variant object.

static Variant make(const VariantVector_t &v)

Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::VECTOR .


v – The value to assign to the Variant object.


Newly constructed Variant object.

template<typename T>
static Variant make(const std::vector<T> &v)

Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::VECTOR .


v – The value to assign to the Variant object.


Newly constructed Variant object.

static Variant make(const VariantList_t &v)

Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::LIST .


v – The value to assign to the Variant object.


Newly constructed Variant object.

template<typename T>
static Variant make(const std::list<T> &v)

Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::LIST .


v – The value to assign to the Variant object.


Newly constructed Variant object.

static Variant make(const VariantMap_t &v)

Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::MAP .


v – The value to assign to the Variant object.


Newly constructed Variant object.

template<typename K, typename V>
static Variant make(const std::map<K, V> &v)

Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::MAP .


v – The value to assign to the Variant object.


Newly constructed Variant object.

static Variant make(const VariantPair_t &v)

Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::PAIR .


v – The value to assign to the Variant object.


Newly constructed Variant object.

template<typename TFirst, typename TSecond>
static Variant make(const TFirst &first, const TSecond &second)

Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::PAIR.

  • first – stored as first value of a pair

  • second – stored as second value of a pair


Newly constructed Variant object.

template<typename T>
static Variant make(const T &v)

Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::CUSTOM .


v – The value to assign to the Variant object.


Newly constructed Variant object.

template<typename T>
static Variant makeCustom(const T &v)

Creates a Variant object with a value of type Type::CUSTOM .


Normally if value type is supported (for example int, std::string, std::list, etc.) it will be properly identified and stored internally. This method is usefull if you want to explicitly create Variant with CUSTOM type (even when value type is supported by Variant, like std::string).


v – The value to assign to the Variant object.


Newly constructed Variant object.

static Variant make(const Variant &v)

Create a new Variant object from an existing Variant object.


v – The Variant object to copy.


Newly constructed Variant object.